
Digital Logistics Award

Create Your Future Digital Business


How should the video look like?

Describe your idea/your product briefly and convincingly. Showcase your solution/your prototype vividly and inspire us. What makes your idea so special? What added value does it offer to companies? And: Tell us in one sentence why you have to win the award.

Please note: The video (as well as the pitch deck) must be submitted in English.


How should the pitchdeck be structured?

The structure and scope of your presentation are specified. The twelve slides must consider the topics listed. However: The way you implement and present them is entirely up to you and your creativity!


  1. Title/Idea
  2. Problem/Opportunity
  3. Product/Service
  4. Value Proposition
  5. Underlying Magic
  6. How do you address sustainability in relation to product, people and planet?
  7. Business Model
  8. Proof of Concept/ Market Relevance
  9. Competitive Analysis
  10. Management Team
  11. Current Status
  12. In which areas and to what extent is artificial intelligence integrated in your solution?


Please note: The pitch deck (as well as the video) must be submitted in English.

In which language must the pitchdeck and video be submitted?

The Digital Logistics Award is a start-up award that is announced internationally and thus offers start-ups from all over the world the opportunity to participate. Accordingly, all documents to be submitted (including pitch deck and video) must be in English.

Are English subtitles sufficient for the video or must there be an English audio track?

It is sufficient if the video has an English subtitle. A purely German-language video without English subtitles would not be permissible in terms of equal opportunities.

Until when can applications be submitted?

The application deadline for the Digital Logistics Award is July 25 at 12:00 pm, and you have until then to submit your complete application with a twelve-page pitch deck and 1 minute video via this webform. 

Who may participate?

Start-ups may participate up to three years after their foundation. The year 2020 is the only guideline here – irrespective of the month in which the respective company was founded. Start-ins / Corporate Innovation / Intrapreneur Teams should have freedom of choice, responsibility and their own budget. Please note: For this year’s AI Edition, your business idea must in any case be related to the field of artificial intelligence!

Can teams that have already reached a final of the Award before participate again?

Yes, finalists from previous years may participate as long as they can clearly show how their portfolio/ service/ offer/ idea has developed significantly.

Will the business and product ideas contained in the contributions be treated confidentially?

Of course, your application will be treated confidentially. The Digital Hub Logistics team and the selected jurors will have access to the participant data and contents of the application. Your pitch deck will be made available to the jury for the selection process and the sponsors. We will show the application videos from the selected pitch participants when announcing the Future Congress Logistics, during the award ceremony and for the purpose of communicating about the award in social media. By submitting your documents you agree to this procedure.

According to which criteria will the submitted contributions be evaluated?

We are looking for innovative digital logistics solutions for production, the retail trade, automotive, farm & food, mobility, the financial sector and other sectors. The presentation of the business idea and the unique selling point of the new product or service must convince the jurors. Above all, the focus is on the customer benefit: which challenge is solved with the innovation? Which use cases are there? For which industries does it make sense? What about the competitive environment and market opportunities? And how does the innovation relate to the issue of sustainability? The jury takes all these aspects into account when evaluating the contributions and selecting the pitch participants.

When does a competition entry not have a chance of success?

A contribution is generally not included in the evaluation if you do not stick to the conditions of participation and the formalities. An application is excluded from participation in the award if:

  • the year of foundation of a start-up company is before 2020
  • no pitch deck or video is attached to the application
  • the presentation exceeds twelve pages and/or the video is longer than one minute
  • the application is not written in English

The length and scope of the application must also be taken into account: in the final, a brief pitch will decide on the winner. Hence, get to the heart of your idea briefly and understandably.

What are the format requirements for sending the application?

Please submit your application documents via this webform. Please note: The attached documents should not exceed 5 MB. You are also welcome to send us larger files via an appropriate download link – please make sure that the file is accessible to us or that you send us the password if you plan to password-protect it.


When and where will the pitch take place?

The presentation of the Digital Logistics Award is part of the Future Congress Logistics 2024 taking place from 4 to 5 September in Dortmund, Germany. Pitching will take place on September, 4th. The award ceremony, where the winners will be announced, will take place later that day.

What are the requirements for the pitch?

Attendance on site  is compulsory for the pitch session. The finalists pitches will take place at the pitch session at the Future Congress Logistics 2024. The pitch should not exceed a length of 3 minutes. The form of the presentation is open. Whether power-point presentation, free presentation or film: The teams can decide for themselves how they want to arrange their three minutes.

How is the pitch sequence planned?

The pitch of the selected digital teams will take place at the Future Congress Logistics 2024 on 4 September as part of the »Digital Logistics Award« session. The order of participants will be determined by the jurors. Each team has three minutes to present its own idea and convince the audience of experts with their live pitch. Following the presentation of the pitches, the teams will face a live Q&A with the expert jury.

What are the format requirements for the application?

Please submit your application documents via this webform. Note: The webform will be activated with the application start on June 1, 2024. The attached documents should not exceed 5 MB. You are also welcome to send us larger files via an appropriate download link.

How and by whom is the winner chosen?

The  jury, consisting of logistics and start-up experts from Europe, will meet in the middle of August. They will select up to six participants for the final general pitch session.
Following the pitch session, there will be a vote by a jury of experts and the general audience of the Future Congress Logistics.
The jury will be reinforced by other experts from past award winners, industry experts, and researchers who have been involved in logistics and innovation for many years. 



Sponsoren Award 2024


Digital Hub Logistics Agency

Emil-Figge-Straße 80 | 44227 Dortmund | Germany