Mansio holt den 1. Platz beim Digital Logistics Award 2023

Mansio holt den 1. Platz beim Digital Logistics Award 2023

.Zum 6. Mal wurde gestern der Digital Logistics Award verliehen. Im Rahmen des „Zukunftskongress Logistik – 41. Dortmunder Gespräche“ bekamen die 7 Finalisten die Möglichkeit, in einem dreiminütigen Elevator-Pitch ihre vielfältigen und innovativen Logistiklösungen dem...
The decision is up to you now!

The decision is up to you now!

On 22 August, the expert jury met to deliberate on the Digital Logistics Award 2023 call for entries. Out of a total of 54 applicants from 18 different countries, eight promising start-ups made it to the final. What makes this special is the fact that the three...
Goodbye to Eur3ka: A summary of our voyage of discovery

Goodbye to Eur3ka: A summary of our voyage of discovery

The project, an ambitious scientific initiative that has captivated researchers and enthusiasts alike, has reached its anticipated conclusion after two years of groundbreaking work. Throughout its duration, EUR3KA has been at the forefront of cutting-edge...